Our Projects
Reflection on one and a half decades in access to justice, security and mediation
Please see: One and a half decades of HUCODAN
Final impact evaluation of RHEST project
Final impact evaluation of RHEST project The final impact evaluation of a girls’ education project…
End-term Evaluation of Integrated School Health – deworming and eye health in Liberia
Request for the report to info.devsuits@gmail.com
Lessons learned documentation
Lessons learned documentation Devsuits compiled lessons learned from a project ‘Supporting Collective Voice and Action…
Sub-sector analysis of construction, agriculture and tourism
Sub-sector analysis of construction, agriculture and tourism Devsuits recently completed Sub-sector analysis of construction, agriculture…
Federalization Process and Informed Journalism
Federalization Process and Informed Journalism Devsuits, in partnership with Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), Surkhet,…
International conference on ‘Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Prospects in One Health Approach and Community Engagement’
International conference on ‘Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Prospects in One Health Approach and Community Engagement’ Devsuits…
Regional Conference on Access to Justice for All
Devsuits supported the National Human Rights Commission, Feminist Dalit Organisation and Open Society Justice Initiative…
Situation Analysis and Perception Survey Report
Devsuits supported CCS Italy and WVAF to prepare and design a 'Situation Analysis and Perception…
Annual Report 2014 of IM Swedish Development Partner
Devsuits assisted IM Swedish Development Partner to compile its annual report for 2014. The report…
Translation of Condemnation and Disposal Protocol
Devsuits translated a protocol on condemnation and disposal of medical equipment for National Health Sector…
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for SAARC-TPN of GIZ
Devsuits is assisting SAARC-Trade Promotion Network in designing and developing its monitoring and evaluation framework….
Project Completion Report of WVAF
Devsuits is assisting World Vision Advocacy Forum (WVAF) to write project completion report of its…
Facilitation of National Dialogue on Merorialization for TJRC
Devsuits supported Transitional Justice Resource Centre (TJRC), Nepal in facilitating a national dialogue on memorialization…
Partner Selection for SaMi/Helvetas
Devsuits provided technical assistance to Safer Migration (SaMi) project of Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Nepal in…
Resource Mapping and Capacity Assessment for WVAF
Devsuits fielded a consultant for World Vision Advocacy Forum (WVAF) to conduct a resource mapping…
Report Writing Workshop Completed
A 2-day Report Writing Workshop was completed on Sunday, 25 February 2018. A total of…
Project proposal writing training on 28-30 January 2018
Staff and office bearers of civil society organizations, NGOs, CBOs and individuals can participate in…
Proposal Writing Workshop
Devsuits completed a 3-day workshop on ‘Proposal Writing’ from 28 to 30 January 2018. Experienced…